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Probation in Wisconsin

Being on probation beats sitting in jail, but probation comes with many rules that need to be followed. Find out what the most common rules are and what happens if you violate them.

What to Do After a Love One Dies?

Dealing with the death of a loved one can be overwhelming. Knowing what needs to be done before dealing with the loss of a loved one can be very beneficial.

Guardian Ad Litem: Who? What? How?

Have you ever heard of a guardian ad litem? If you are dealing with a family law issue, you may have to have one. Learn who a guardian ad litem is, what their role is, and how to be prepared.

Easy Ways to Help Avoid Probate In Wisconsin

Probate, what it is and how to avoid it? Learn things you can do now to save you and your loved ones time and money.

Vehicle Searches: What is Legal?

No one wants to get pulled over by the police. Knowing your rights when you do get pulled over might make all the difference.

Estate Planning: Deciding on a Personal Representative

Learn about the responsibilities of a personal representative and figure out who would make a good personal representative for you.

How to Help Your Criminal Defense Attorney

Find out what you can do to help your attorney fight criminal charges brought against you.

How Long Does Probate Take In Wisconsin?

Find out how long the probate process is in Wisconsin and what causes an estate to stay in probate for so long.

Divorce and the New Tax Reform

Find out how the new tax reform affects divorces in Wisconsin.

Small Estates In Wisconsin

Not all estates need to go through a lengthy probate process. Find out the different ways to handle small estates in the State of Wisconsin.