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How Does the Social Security Administration Define Disability?

Wondering if you qualify to receive Social Security Disability. See how SSA defines disabled.
to work and are thinking about applying for Social Security Disability. The question is… qualifying for Social Security Disability is not as easy as it sounds. If you apply

What are “work credits” in Social Security Disability Cases?

What are work credits in a social security disability claim and how many are needed?
do you have enough work credits for social security disability insurance… you do not quality to receive Social Security Disability Insurance even if you fit the definition of

What to do if your Social Security Disability Claim is denied.

Social Security Disability denied your claim. Now what?
and News You applied for Social Security Disability and waited patiently for the Social Securit…y do not find you to be eligible to receive Social Security Disability payments. Now What

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) vs. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

What is the difference between SSDI and SSI and which one do you want?
Social Security Disability Insurance… in Social Security Disability Cases…LC we understand how confusing applying for Social Security Disability can be

How To Apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Learn the three ways you can apply for SSDI.
ll. You can look online for the list at the Social Security Disability Website. Be prepared for a long wait on the… for SSDI is no different. You just go the Social Security Disability Website and click the

Understanding a Special Needs Trust

Learn the basic purpose of a Special Needs Trust, how it works and the benefits it can provide.

Can I Work and Still Receive Social Security Disability?

Are you wondering if working could jeopardize your social security disability benefits?
receive is if a person can work and receive social security disability payments at the same time. You want to wor…ant to jeopardize your chances of receiving Social Security Disability. So

Challenges in a Social Security Disability Case

Learn about the common challenges during a Social Security Disability case and what you can do to help avoid them.
and News The Social Security Disability Insurance programs help people financially w… challenges you may face while applying for Social Security disability benefits can be helpful. It can help you av