Learn what forms are necessary to protect your loved ones from having to go through the time consuming court systems and incur unnecessary legal fees. Find out not only what common forms are used but what they are used for and how they apply to your fami…
sometimes called a living will https://www.pedlaw.com/blog/estate-planning-what-do-i-need-and-why
Before you can decide whether you should use an attorney to draft your will or just use a fill in the blank form online, you need to know the advantages of having a local attorney. Learn the benefits of consulting an attorney versus using fill in the blan…
Find out the difference between a Last Will and Testament, a Living Will and Power of Attorney.
a Living Will…
Learn common terms used in estate planning and during the probate process in Wisconsin.
ey become incapacitated. Also referred to as Living Will or Advance Healthcare Directive. D https://www.pedlaw.com/blog/common-estate-planning-terms