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Estate Planning: Knowing the Difference Between Will, Living Will and Power of Attorney

Find out the difference between a Last Will and Testament, a Living Will and Power of Attorney.
one to make those decisions for you. POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTHCARE The Power of Attorney for Healthcare all

Estate Planning: Not just for the Rich!

Think only the rich need to worry about estate planning? Learn why estate planning is important even if you have a small estate.
to Physicians drafted is to make sure your Power of Attorney for Healthcare knows your major medical decisions in case …ou have already made your wishes clear. Power of Attorney for Healthcare A Power of Attorney for Healthcare appo

Importance of a Power of Attorney

Learn about the importance of having a Power of Attorney and what can happen if you do not have one.
e two main types of Power of Attorney. Power of Attorney for Healthcareit is written. The effective dates for the Power of Attorney for Healthcare and the Power of Attorney for Finances can

Differences Between Your Power of Attorney and Personal Representative

Find out the differences between your Power of Attorney and Personal Representative including their appointment and responsibilities.
wo different types of Power of Attorneys. A Power of Attorney for Healthcare and a Power of Attorney for Finances. … Power of Attorney for Healthcare The Power of Attorney for Healthcare al

Common Estate Planning Terms

Learn common terms used in estate planning and during the probate process in Wisconsin.
t ends upon their death. Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare

Common Mistakes in Estate Planning

Mistakes in your estate plan can lead to legal and financial difficulties for your loved ones. Learn about common estate planning mistakes and how you can prevent them.